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Google Tattoo Policy in 2023 (Can You Have Visible Ink?)

Added by: Peter Scales
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Google Tattoo Policy in 2023 (Can You Have Visible Ink?)

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With as many as 30% of adult people living in the US being decorated with at least one tattoo, all types of workplaces and employees have no choice but to adapt their policies to this new reality.

This doesn’t mean that every business is happy about it, but the fact is that people with tattoos are now employed in all sorts of places, from office jobs to construction sites. There are even some companies out there who are specifically targeting tattooed employees!

With that said, there are still quite a number of workplaces that have strict rules against visible ink. If you’re looking for a job and you have some ink on your body, it’s important to be aware of these policies before you go in for an interview.

Since Google is arguably the largest name in the tech world, many people think that the tattoo policy there might be strict due to the size and corporate culture of the company. Is that really the case?

If you’ve been thinking about starting your new career chapter at Google, continue reading as we dive into their stance on tattoos amongst employees.

Google Tattoo Policy: What You Need to Know

Whether you’re covered in ink head to toe or you just have a small design on your ankle, you can calm your nerves already. We’re here to tell you that you’re in the clear when it comes to playing by Google’s tattoo policy.

So, can you work at Google with tattoos?


The company is actually pretty lax when it comes to visible tattoos amongst its employees – and that includes various positions from customer service to engineering. By lax, we mean that it doesn’t discriminate against folks with a visible amount of ink on their body – as long as the tattoo design is not offensive in any way (eg. racist, sexist, etc).

In fact, Google is considered one of the most tattoo-friendly tech companies according to theinkedmag.com.

Also, while the number of high-ranking Google employees with face & neck tattoos is relatively low, it doesn’t mean that these folks are not working at the company. Many people with working experience at the tech giant reported that there is a significant number of people with sleeve tattoos working in high-level positions at Google.

So go ahead and walk into your Google interview with confidence, knowing that your ink won’t be held against you. And if you’re still not convinced, take it from the company’s head of HR who said that they’re “open-minded” when it comes to visible tattoos on employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now that we’ve answered the question “Can you work at Google with tattoos?”, you might as well check some of the common questions related to the subject. We’ve listed them all below!

Do tattoos disqualify you from jobs?

In short, no (not anymore).

While there are companies out there with strict policies against visible tattoos, the number of businesses with such rules is gradually decreasing. This is largely due to the increasing normalization of tattoos in society – as more and more people are getting inked, it’s becoming harder for workplaces to ignore this reality.

Of course, there are still some industries and professions (eg. flight attendants or pilots) that have a super strict stance on tattoos but even these seem to be relaxing their rules nowadays.

So, if you’re looking for a job and you have some ink on your body, don’t let that stop you from applying!

Can you have tattoos in tech?

If Google’s tattoo policy is any indication, then the answer is a resounding yes.

As we’ve mentioned earlier, the company is pretty lax when it comes to employees with tattoos – and that includes various positions from customer service to engineering. So if you’re in the tech industry and you’re worried about your ink, don’t be! Most companies working in the same field have a similar stance.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule but, in general, tattoos in the tech industry are common and are unlikely to stop you from getting a job.

Can you have tattoos as a software engineer?

Yes, you can!

Of course, there might be exceptions to this rule in different companies but since a company of the size of Google doesn’t have any problem with visible tattoos amongst its employees, it’s safe to say that others won’t either.

So if you’re a software engineer with some ink on your body, don’t worry about it! You can totally still find a great job – even at the biggest tech companies out there.

Does Apple care about tattoos?

Apple is another tech giant that is pretty lax when it comes to employees with visible tattoos.

While the company doesn’t have an official policy on the matter, many people who have worked there reported that tattoos are not an issue whatsoever.

Final Word

So there you have it! Everything you need to know about Google’s tattoo policy.

In short, the company is pretty lax when it comes to employees with tattoos – and that includes a variety of positions from junior to senior types. So if you’re worried about your ink, don’t be! You can totally still find a great job at Google (or any other tech company).