More and more people are choosing to get inked as a result of the world’s constant advancement and the rising acceptance of tattoos. It is now regarded as a means of self-expression rather than a taboo – which wasn’t the case not so long ago.
As a result, the vast majority of professions and places of employment have had no choice but to modify their rules to account for this development.
While it’s true that some professions still forbid visible tattoos (eg. flight attendants or pilots), most have changed their minds and are now more tolerant.
The profession of veterinary medicine is as popular as ever, with many people lured by the idea of working with animals. Because of this, many considering this career path are wondering: can you have tattoos as a veterinarian?
Let’s find out.
So, Can Veterinarians Have Tattoos?
The simple answer is: yes, veterinarians can have tattoos.
While there are still some places of employment that forbid visible tattoos, the vast majority of veterinarians will face 0 issues even if they’re covered in ink. Without a doubt, many veterinary hospitals and clinics are now more tolerant of visible tattoos than they were in the past.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that every workplace is different and that you should always check with your potential employer before getting a tattoo. Some workplaces may have specific rules or regulations regarding tattoos, so it’s always best to be prepared.
In general, though, veterinarians can have tattoos without having to worry about it affecting their career. So if you’re considering getting inked, go ahead and express yourself!
Tattooed Vets vs Client’s Trust
Even though there are now many veterinarians with tattoos, some pet owners are still not too fond of the idea.
A study conducted in 2016 found that 14% of respondents said they would be less likely to trust a vet with visible tattoos. On the other hand, 86% of respondents said that a vet’s tattoos would have no bearing on their trust.
Such studies show that if there’s still a small level of prejudice against veterinarians with tattoos, it’s amongst the clients, not vet clinics. With that said, it’s clear the vast majority of pet owners are now more open-minded.
So if you’re a vet with tattoos, don’t worry too much about it affecting your relationship with clients. In all likelihood, they’ll be more interested in the quality of your work than the ink on your skin.
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, veterinarians can have tattoos without having to worry about it negatively affecting their careers. While there is still some prejudice against tattooed vets, the vast majority of workplaces are now more tolerant of visible tattoos.
So if you’re considering getting a tattoo, go ahead and express yourself! Just be sure to check with your potential employer first to make sure they’re okay with it.